Sony has filed a fresh new FCC report that gives me visions of Terminator’s whole Skynet saga. For those of you who don’t recall, Skynet was an artificially intelligent system which became self-aware and revolted against its creators. Perhaps things aren’t that dramatic (for now), but with a name like “Home Information Device,” aka HID-C10, what would you think? Regardless, this is a new device that Sony is bringing to the market sometime in 2010. We don’t have a lot of information yet, but we believe this product is connected to TV as the Television Engineering Group in Sony are handling the FCC filing. It has 801.11b/g, but its Wi-Fi certification lists it in the category of “Display Device (eg. television, monitor, picture frame).” Wha? How can this be a Display Device? Maybe they label accessories like that, but if it was just a router I believe it would say so.
I’m confused. One theory I have is that this could possibly be some sort of emitter that works in conjunction with 3D active shutter glasses. If that was the case though, why would it be a seperate adapter? Is this the accessory that will come with Sony 3D TV’s? It’s possible because the confidentiality agreement on several key elements in the FCC report is labeled for May 31st, 2010. So this may or may not be at CES – perhaps a tease, or totally nonexistent. Another plausible theory is that this could just be another Wi-Fi adapter for a television somehow, perhaps one that would work with a broader range of TV’s so they can connect to the Sony Online Service, which we explored previously in a rather in depth article.
This information is a Sony Insider exclusive, brought to you here first.