I’ve seen alot of fakes in my day, but this one looks pretty legitimate. Apparently in late summer ’08 the PSN will be rolling out downloadable PS2 games for a reasonable price. Whilst it wouldn’t be too difficult to doctor this (photoshop an image, load it fullscreen) there is a part of me that could see this happening because the PSN needs an Ace card to truly stand up to XBox Live. The leak all started from a Sony Insider named “Nintz” at the News For Gamers forums:
I was speaking to a friend last night on MSN who works at Sony London. I was actually asking him about the new XMB update, and if he knows when it’ll be out. He told me it was scheduled to launch E3, but more interesting was his info on a new Playstation 2 Store that’ll also be announced at E3 too! Basically Sonys answer to Xbox Originals.
Apparently, it wont be released during E3, but is scheduled for a late summer release. Most surprising is that its supposedly launching in Europe first! Guess Sony has realised how valuable us Europeans are to them!
Sony was quick to dismiss the rumor and picture by saying, “I’m not sure where the image came from,” said SCE communications director Patrick Seybold, as reported by GamePro. “At this point, we haven’t made any announcements, and there are no plans for PS2 downloadable titles on PS3.”